Jeffersonian 英 [,dʒefə'səuniən]  


Jeffersonian  英 [,dʒefə'səuniən]

adj. 杰弗逊的(美国总统);杰弗逊的政治作风或理论的  n. 杰斐逊的支持者 


Leaders of this movement for state systems of common schools in the early national period came from both the Jeffersonian Republicans and the Federalists. 在开国之初的这一建立州公立学校体制的运动中,领袖人物既有杰斐逊派共和党人,也有联邦党人。
That Jeffersonian sentiment seems to have influenced even China’s normally strait-laced, rubber-stamp legislature, the National People’s Congress (NPC), which has just wrapped up its annual session. 杰弗逊的这句名言似乎也正在中国大地产生了深远影响,中国的立法机构,全国人民代表大会刚刚结束了它每年一度的会议。

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  • adj. 杰弗逊的(美国总统);杰弗逊的政治作风或理论的
  • n. 杰斐逊的支持者
  • 1. Leaders of this movement for state systems of common schools in the early national period came from both the Jeffersonian Republicans and the Federalists.


  • 2. That Jeffersonian sentiment seems to have influenced even China’s normally strait-laced, rubber-stamp legislature, the National People’s Congress (NPC), which has just wrapped up its annual session.


  • Jeffersonian 1799 (n.), 1800 (adj.), in reference to the politics and policies of U.S. politician and statesman Thomas Jefferson, first great leader of the Democratic Party and president 1801-09. The surname, literally "son of Geoffrey," is attested from mid-14c.; in Middle English also Jeffrison, Geffreysone, Geffrason. Jeffersonianism is from 1804 in reference to the political beliefs of Thomas Jefferson; often it means advocacy of the greatest possible individual and local freedom and corresponding restriction of the national government.
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